Thursday, December 14, 2006


Just as we got everyone fired up & posting like crazy to the BLOG, blogger changed the system configuration. Sigh. But that's OK, its easy to get into the new system-click on comments to post a comment, then skip down to the bottom where is says "No Google Account? Sign up here"; it will ask for your email address, username & password, you can use the same information to be online again in no time. Another tip because this confused me, with google your google username is your email address then your password. THEN each time you visit the blog, you will sign in in the upper right corner before it allows any posts-using your email address as user name. Sorry for the inconvenience, we love hearing from you so sign up for a google user name and you will be ready to BLOG.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

It works!!! Except it wouldn't change my other posts back to my original name. But, I am glad it is back!!