Doesn't everyone love a good recipe? I know I do. Check out the
By Love, Elsie
"Includes 100 recipe cards for layouts (cooking times included), 80 designer tips, 5 featured designers, organizer index tabs, and 1 cool recipe box (makes storage a snap). Use one card at a time in your workspace, or take the entire box with you for endless inspiration! Including inspiration from art, home decor, books, fashion, movies, and music." We have one opened on the counter for browsing.
BLOG SPECIAL- ELSIE RECIPE BOX - 30% off through Sept 6th with this coupon.
Another great new place for inspiration is the Ali Edwards "Share the Story" (I'm a BIG, BIG fan of Ali Edwards--I just want to be able to journal like her). Anyway, i couldn't find a graphic for this brand new book-i don't know are we the only ones in the country that have this book already (ha ha). If you've ever read Ali's blog or journaling on layouts of Simon in CK, you've got to be a fan, she is so inspiring. Come check out this awesome new book.
Have you checked our Cricut Rental Library yet?
Wish me luck, trying to complete my 6 in 60 layouts today-have you signed up for this awesome class that I have the pleasure of sharing with my 2 BFFs??? I don't know, we sure think its a barrel of fun to share 6 double page layouts in 2 hours, how about you? My 2 layouts are titled "One More Day" and "With U". Allison's titles are "U R 2 . . ." and "FUNSHINE", Jill's layouts are "Take a Look at 2007", "Us Right Now". I think there are 1 or 2 spots left in our Saturday, Sept 27th class and 2 spots left in the Tuesday, Sept 30th. Hope to see you there!!!!