Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

It's time for that yearly holiday question...What are you THANKFUL for? At Memory Mania, we are thankful for YOU. Now, that may sound corny, but it is OH SO true! We never take for granted that YOU ARE Memory Mania. With the economy at an all-time low and with many local businesses having to close, we are fighting tooth and nail to make sure you still have a local scrapbook store to call your own. So, yes, we are thankful for YOU...for still coming in for our awesome classes, for renewing your memberships in our fabulous kit clubs, for reading our blog and being our Facebook friends, and for continuing to come in to shop and visit and share your hobby with us. We realize that, without you, there would be no Memory Mania. We are so thankful for YOU!

P.S. Don't forget to take LOTS of photos of your family & friends-these are truly times to be cherished!!

Happy Thanksgiving,
Happy Scrappin'

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