Monday, May 16, 2011

Ready for vacation?

Your scrapbooks MAY get you a FREE vacation, ha ha. Well, not really free, but when I'm ready to go on vacation and John is telling me all the reasons we should skip this year, I just leave a few of our vacation scrapbooks on the coffee table & go about my business. Soon, John is flipping through the pages of London, Cruises, Jamaica, Hawaii, Destin--and within a few days, he's remembered the many reasons we SHOULD go on vacation, and WHERE we go-works like a charm every time. I'm evil, I know, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, right? And right now, I gotta get to the beach

That's just the funny part, but I really love that I'm documenting our life. John used to think that my scrapbooking and picture taking was insane. But, when he saw just how quickly the boys were growing up, how much they changed, and how much we forget, he understood & became my biggest supporter. Sometimes if I'm not taking enough pics, he'll say "Take this for the scrapbook"-I'm really dying laughing inside!!! It wasn't that hard of a sale since I had created a scrapbook of John's "baseball years" when he graduated from high school-and can I tell you, if he glimpses that book-he'll look at it for hours-even now 28 years later. Its also pretty cool to see all of my scrapbooks rearranged on the coffee table & shelves after a visit from friends of the boys-I just LOVE that they can enjoy their "recent past" with their friends.

Remember, put your scrapbooks out in the open to be enjoyed by your family-it doesn't matter if its not complete-you will be motivated to finish when you see how much they are enjoying the memories!!! Also, a great tip is to jot down things they say when looking at the books-for journaling.

Monday Madness: $3 off kits (kit clubs excluded) today only!!

Happy Scrappin'

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