Thursday, March 13, 2008


Hey Scrappers,

TONIGHT is the night we've all been waiting for . . . Danelle Johnson will post a video of the project on the her Blog for viewing 5-8 pm CST ;

Then tune in at 8PM & chat it up with Danelle & others to discuss the creative cafe project this week: THE CHAT WILL BE AT 8 pm tonight. We thought this might be a better time so you could get dinner & baths taken care of & sit, relax & chat with us. THe CHAT link of lower left corner of Danelle's home page; user name: choice password: happyhour

If you weren't able to get to Memory Mania to purchase your kit yet, we have a few more and Danelle will keep the piece on her blog so it can be accessed a few weeks if you want to stop in & purchase one in the next few days.

Following the chat, happy hour projects can be posted at in the gallery. Watch the blog for more details on a follow-up chat with Danelle.

OH, and please express your gratitude to Danelle & have a great time with this awesome project.

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